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Tickless kernel in the Real Time OS

by kyuho.choi 2009. 7. 9.
TiROS (Tickless Real-Time Operating System) is a pre-emptive priority 
based real-time task scheduler. TiROS has been designed for reliable 
real-time operation (Deadlock Prevention). 

It is available under the eCos open source license (Free as in beer). 

Current Hardware Support: 
1) MSP430 with GCC (mspgcc) or IAR. 
2) Posix HAL that allows TiROS to run on Linux or in Cygwin. 

Get started with TiROS in 2 mins: 
Download, compile TiROS for the Posix HAL and run the examples on 
your desktop Linux or Cygwin environment. 

Web Site: http://tiros.sourceforge.net/ 

Quick Facts and Features 
* Tickless: No periodic ticks. High time resolution can be achieved 
with very low overhead. 

* Prevention of Priority Inversion and Deadlock with mutexes: 
TiROS provides 
1) Immediate Priority Ceiling Protocol : Prevents priority 
inversion and deadlock. 
2) Priority Inheritance Protocol: Prevents priority inversion. 

* Synchronization Primitives: mutexes, counting semaphores, message 
queues, event flags. 

* Low overhead interrupts. 

** See Web site for complete list of features. 

참고 할 만한 작업이라고 생각한다.

Tickless kernel을 Fedora Core 7 부터 적용되어 나오고 있는 데, Time Tick의 효율성을 올려, 

이 부분을 Real-Time OS에 적용해보려고 생각하고 있었다 ㅡ,.ㅡ;;

역시나 구글링은 찾기 싫은 것까지 뽑아내 주는 구나 -_ㅜ

오픈 소스이니 어떤 응용을 할 수 있을까 생각을 해보도록 해야겠다

