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glibc detected free() invalid pointer In the case of using dynamic memory allocation for application,Sometimes we faced with memory leak. =================================do(char *buf = malloc(sizeof(buf));foo(buf); free(buf);}while(1)================================= Upper code are looks fine, but when we using structure and many loop syntaxmemory leak detected from glibc in free() function. So, I tried clear buffer before free() f.. 2014. 4. 26.
쇠독 벨트 구매 :) 연구실 생황을 하면서부터 금속 알레르기가 생겼다. 흔히 쇠독이라고 부르는데 이것 때문에 벨트나 시계는 사두고 못쓰고 있었지...:( 같은 팀 책임님 한분도 쇠독때문에 벨트샀다고 알려주셔가지고 오늘 반나절을 찾아서 구매함! 밑에 링크에 sm-15번 모델인데 디자인은 맘에 든다기 보다는 그냥 무난한 정도네 ㅎㅎ 버클이 벨트 면적보다 작거나 버클 자체에 금속이 없는 걸 갖고 싶은데... 요건 버클이 벨트 면적이랑 같은 것 같고, 가죽으로 랩핑되어 있어서 기대된다잉 ㅋ http://itempage3.auction.co.kr/detailview.aspx?itemno=a530547681 빨리와라 택배 오너라 이리오너라 어서오너라 ㅋ 2014. 4. 17.
Ubuntu kernel build from source for custom. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/KernelGitGuide On Ubuntu 12.04, below links are available. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git #] git clone http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git Find Up/Down grade version of Tag in git. #] git tag -l Ubuntu-* Ubuntu-a.b.c.d Checkout branch from Tag version.#] git checkout -b worksbranch Ubuntu-a.b.c.d Custom you.. 2014. 3. 17.
DeviceTree applied in Google's Nexus5! In Linux ARM kenrels, After V3.XKernel there moving machine stub to device tree about there architecture dependent code. After Chromium, In Nexus5 Hammerhead, Google support there kernel to `vmlinuz` with `dtb` files. http://androidxref.com/4.4_r1/xref/device/lge/hammerhead-kernel/ 2013. 11. 6.
dmesg convert uptime to realtime. I googling for search time stamp in kernel, not uptime. Here are really good tips for how convert uptime to real time. http://linuxaria.com/article/how-to-make-dmesg-timestamp-human-readable #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @dmesg_new = (); my $dmesg = "/bin/dmesg"; my @dmesg_old = `$dmesg`; my $now = time(); my $uptime = `cat /proc/uptime | cut -d"." -f1`; my $t_now = $now - $uptime.. 2013. 11. 2.
global variable in bash Using shared memory #] echo 0 > /dev/shm/foo Increase `foo`'s value #] echo $(($( /dev/shm/foo decrease `foo`'s value #] echo $(($( /dev/shm/foo 2013. 11. 2.